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Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement

Purpose: The Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplements (CHDS) are intended to support trainees and California residents from underrepresented communities and/or those who wish to pursue careers in research focused on underserved communities. The Supplement should support their initial entry into the field of tobacco-related research or within the stated TRDRP research priorities.  

Principal investigators with an active TRDRP grant should encourage trainees from socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, racial, linguistic and geographic backgrounds who are not well-represented in the tobacco control research field or who are from communities that experience tobacco-related health disparities. However, in accordance with state law, preference will not be given to applicants based on race, color, ethnicity, gender or national origin. 

Supplement submission procedure:  

To be considered for funding, an application for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement to a Core Call award must be submitted as part of a scientific progress report for an active, non-mentored TRDRP grant.  CPPRA grantees may apply for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement as part of pre-funding activities during the post-award period.

There must at least one year remaining on the TRDRP parent award to ensure the best conditions and results for prospective trainees. 

Please click the links below for application instructions and necessary forms below to complete the application. Upload completed documents in SmartSimple.

If you have questions, please contact Jen Jackson at

Mentor eligibility: 

  • Recipients of non-mentored TRDRP grants, such as Research Awards, are eligible to apply for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement.  
  • Principal Investigators of Postdoctoral and Predoctoral Awards are not eligible to apply for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement. 

Trainee eligibility: 

  • Undergraduate and master’s degree candidates are eligible for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement. 
  • Individuals who are working in the tobacco control field or proposed research area but do not have experience in research, as well as community members, school personnel or students are eligible for a Cornelius Hopper Diversity Supplement. 
  • Individuals enrolled in a doctoral degree program or who have earned a doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., M.D., J.D.) are not eligible to be supported by this Supplement. 

Supplement details: 

  • Maximum supplement amount per year: $20,000 (direct cost) 
  • Maximum duration: 2 years 
  • Allowable direct costs (trainee support only): Salary and benefits, tuition, enrollment fees for the trainee, supplies, domestic travel
  • Equipment: Not allowed as part of this supplemental funding
  • Supplies and Travel: 
    • Project-related travel: As needed (must be fully justified) 
    • Travel to TRDRP conference:$750 (mandatory) 
    • Scientific conference travel: Up to $2,000 per year (excluding TRDRP Conference) 
    • Supplies:Up to $2,200 (must be fully justified) 
  • Indirect costs: Not allowed